Saturday, January 6, 2024






① 雪が溶けるまでそのまま待つ。雪が邪魔をしていること(試練が起きていること)を受け入れないで、神様に怒ることができます。

② 右折か左折をする。神様のナビである聖書はバイパスにどう戻ればいいのか(これから先、主の御心をどう進むべきなのか)を見せてくれるかもしれませんが、時にははっきりわかりづらい場合があります。左折をするのか...右折をするのか...どちらを選らべば、より早くパイパスに着くのかは分かりにくいかもしれませんが、とにかく、どっちかに曲がらないと、ナビは道案内変更をしてくれません。










The Unploughed Country Road


"Road Closed During the Winter Season" 

I've seen these signs when I have gone on a drive through the country a few times since arriving in Hokkaido. Some of the smaller roads just aren't worth ploughing in the winter. Yesterday, my friends and I were driving home from the Royce Chocolate Factory in Tobetsu, and we stumbled upon one of these signs unexpectedly. The GPS had us cutting through some straight, Hokkaido, country roads to get to the main highway and insisted that we go straight at a four way intersection. Except.... there was no road... just a sign like this with tons of snow. One of my friends said we should go left, the other said we should go right. Ultimately, it didn't matter which direction we went becasue we knew the GPS would redirect us. I suppose we could have parked the car and set up camp until spring when the snow would melt off, but that just isn't realistic. Have you ever done that in life though? Am I the only one has trusted the GPS or Google Maps more than God in the past?

Have you ever been traveling on a straight road in life with everything clear in view, attempting to follow God's GPS- His Word, until you came to a dead end like this? You assumed you should keep heading in the same direction in life; afterall, God hadn't indicated otherwise. But some trauma or trial may have suddenly shaken things up on you. You can longer proceed on the same, straight road. You're faced with a decision:

1.  You could stand there and wait for the "snow to melt." Instead of accepting that the snow is in your way, you could get angry at God or just stand there and feel sorry for yourself.  

2. You could turn to the left or to the right. Although the GPS, God's Word, may shed wisdom as to which way you should turn to get yourself back to the main highway of His will... it isn't always crystal clear to us. You may not really know which way will get you back to the main highway faster, but the bottom line is... You have to do something or the GPS won't redirect you. You have to pick yourself up and move forward.

Proverbs 24:16

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again...

God won't redirect us if we just stand there, refusing to move on from the past. You have to move forward, either left or right. Once you pick yourself up, God will redirect you to the main highway of His will. 

Isaiah 43:18-19

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing... 

These words were given to Isaiah by the Lord before the Jews were even exiled to Babylon. He was looking ahead at them already in exile when he spoke this. The Lord says earlier in verse 14: "For your sake I have sent to Babylon and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans..." The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, had a plan to deliver the Jews before He even brought them to Babylon! God promised through the prophets that the Babylonian exile wouldn't last forever. They are told not to "remember the former things."  Instead of dwelling on the past when God "shook things up" for them... Instead of sitting there, waiting for the pile of snow to melt off... being angry at God for bringing them to Babylon... They should put their perspective on how God says, "Behold, I will do a new thing." We know from reading the book of Ezra that many Jews chose to stay in Babylon even after Cyrus and Artaxerxes made the decrees to let the Jews return. These Jews missed out on the wonderful "new" things God had in store for them because they weren't willing to take a leap of faith. They weren't willing to drive into the unknown and let God direct them to the main highway.

We shouldn't stand there waiting for the snow ahead to melt with the coming of spring! God already has planned a detour before we even knew we would come to that dead end! He has something better. He will redirect us if we let Him! He wants to use us for His praise, honor, and glory. 

Isaiah 43:21

This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

Thursday, January 4, 2024


僕は宣教師の子供として育てられる中で、旅客機に乗って旅に出かける機会がたくさんあり、10 代の頃に航空会社のパイロットになる夢もあったため、今でも旅客機にあこがれている「隠れオタク」です。一昨日羽田空港で起きた航空機の衝突事故は、海保機を操縦していたパイロットが管制塔の指示を誤解した可能性があったようですが、僕は「コミュニケーション能力」についてブログ記事を書く予定ではありません。(確かに、僕はコミュニケーション能力を伸ばさないといけないけど...😅) どっちかというと、12 名の乗務員 (パイロット 2 名と客室乗務員 10 名) がこの事件のヒーローだと思い、記事を書くことにしました。  爆発による煙、熱、焦げた匂いがすでに機内に入っていましたが、「姿勢を低くしてください!荷物を出さないでくさい!」と冷静に大声で指示を出した客室乗務員のおかげで、両方のエンジンから炎が出ながらも、客は全員は脱出シュートを安全に滑り落ちることができました。8つの非常口のうち使用できたのは3つだけでしたが、乗客367名全員はわずかの18分間で機体から脱出し、機体の客室はその2分後炎に飲み込まれました。 ニューヨーク・タイムズや他の海外メディアはこれを奇跡と称し、この客室乗務員と航空会社の徹底した模範的な訓練を称賛している。  英メディア:「数百人が奇跡の脱出


いけないけど、僕は安全説明ビデオ を見ると、「万が一事故に合ったら、この手順に従っても本当に救われるのだろうか?」と疑問に考えることもあります。しかし、一昨日の便の業務に努めていた客室乗務員やパイロットが緊急脱出に備えた訓練を真剣に受けていなかったら、日航機の方にも死者が出ていたかもしれません。 乗客が窓の外に見えるのはオレンジ色と煙だけでした...しかし乗務員は混乱とパニックを乗り越え、全員を安全な場所に誘導できました。

これらのことを思いめぐらしていると、「神様の客室乗務員」について考えさせられました。 「えっ...誰それ?」と僕のつまらない新しいブログを読んでくれている優しいあなたは今思ってるでしょう。😉 主の弟子であるクリスチャン一人一人こそが「神様の客室乗務員」です。 手遅れになって「永遠の死」という炎に機体が飲み込まれる前に、乗客を安全へ誘導すること(救うこと)が私たちの仕事です。この任務は決して楽ではありませんが、神は私たちにおくびょうの霊ではなく、愛、力、そして慎みの霊を与えてくださいました。 (第2テモテ 1:7)福音は救いに至る神の力であり、(ローマ 1:16)「機内安全ビデオ」と同じように「万が一の事故に備えて...」私たちが乗せている乗客を必ず救う手順です。「機内安全ビデオ」の手順は毎便乗客に見せられますが、「万が一の避難」の場合だけにかかわることなので、「見なくていいやっ...」と思う人もいるかもしれません。 同様に、私たちの友人や家族の多くは私たちから何度も福音を聞いているかもしれませんが、彼らはまだそれを受け入れていないかもしれません。 結局のところ、「死」は「万が一」起こるようなものだと思ってしまい、彼らは「永遠」をまじめに考えず、後回しにするかもしれません。しかし、「死」そして「永遠をどこに過ごすか」は旅客機の事故と違い、絶対にいつか直面しなければならない問題です。

私たちが伝道するなかで、なかなか福音を受け入れない人は何かの「きっかけ」が必要かもしれません。たとえ乗客が安全説明ビデオを見るたびに真剣に受け止めていなかったとしても、昨日の便の着陸を「きっかけ」として、初めてその手順を真剣に受け止めたでしょう。そして、客室乗務員はその手順通りにその乗客を安全に誘導する準備ができていました。 私たちは同じ方に何度も伝道することで疲れてはいけません! その方の人生に何かの「きっかけ」が来れば、私たちの努力は決して無駄になりません。 「衝突事故」に備えて、聖書の「機内安全ビデオ」である福音を伝え続けましょう!

私たちクリスチャンは「神様の客室乗務員」としての任務を真剣に果たす責任があります。 私たちは給料をもらっている社員だから責任を果たすのではなく、宣教大命令に従うために行います。そして私たちに与えられた神様の計り知れない救いという贈り物を受けた私たちは感謝と神への愛にあふれて、この任務を果たすのです。 私たちは、あの客室乗務員と同じくらい真剣に訓練を受けなければなりません。 それぞれの地方教会は、日本航空のような徹底した手順で信者に弟子訓練をしなければなりません。したがって、クリスチャンはいつも福音を伝える準備をしていなければなりません。私たち「神様の客室乗務員」が乗客を乗せている便がいつ事故にあうか分かりません。乗客は、「機内安全ビデオ」を聞くたびに、その動画を無視するかもしれません。 彼らは「死」や「永遠」のことを考えずに快適な旅を過ごしたいかもしれません。 実はノアの時代にもそのような人たちがいました...

マタイ 24:36-39 (創世記 6-7)

ノアの時代に生きていた人々は、ノアが造っていた箱船やノアが宣べ伝えていたメッセージに対して、(2ペテロ2:5)無関心で、快適な生活を送り続けたかったでしょう。 しかし、雨が降り始め大洪水が発生すると、彼らはノアが伝えたメッセージが事実だったことに気づいたでしょう。残念なことに、彼らは救われるチャンスを見逃してしまいした。

ヘブル人への手紙 11:7

ノアが箱舟を造るためには大きな信仰が必要だったと、この聖句が私たちに教えます。私たち自身も信仰によって救われましたが、他の人々も救われるためには福音の力を疑うことなく、それにしがみつき、嘲笑されても信仰を強く保たなければなりません。 飛行機が着陸する直前の数分間、何らかの問題が発生した場合に備えて、非常口の隣の専用席に縛り付けられて、座っている乗務員たちの深刻な顔を想像してみてください。 彼らは、Ipadでまじめにチェックリストやマニュアル、また緊急脱出の手順をもう一度復習しているでしょう。 


第2 ペテロ 3章

終末時代には、すでに起きているように、聖書や神の約束を疑い、嘲笑する人がいます。 彼らは創造の時に語られた神の言葉の力を忘れてしまいます。 彼らは大洪水のことを忘れるでしょう。 しかしペテロはユダヤ系のクリスチャンである読者に、そのように無知にならないようにと忠告をしています。 神様は情け深く、すべての人々が救われることを切に願っているため、来るべき裁きを一旦保留にしています。 私たち「神様の客室乗務員」が、18分間という時間の切迫感に対して無関心になって、油断すれば、日本航空の客室乗務員のように全乗客を救うことはできません。 主の日は「盗人のようにやってきます」(10節)ので、私たちは油断せずに、手順をいつも見直し、人々を救う準備をしていなければなりません。私たちは神様に任されている宣教の働きをいつも視野に置かなければなりません。




Wednesday, January 3, 2024

God's Cabin Crew

The numerous opportunites to fly as an MK along with my dream to become an airline pilot as a teenager makes me interested when anything airline or aviation-related appears in the news. Yesterday's collision at Haneda Airport will go down in history as the consequences of human error or miscommunication in Air Traffic Control. However, I don't want to focus on the topic of "miscommunication." Rather, the 12 member crew (2 pilots and 10 flight attendants) strike me as heroes. People were sliding down the escape shoots while both engines were errupting in flames. Smoke and heat from the explosion was already filling the cabin, and you could even see flashlights being used to show people to the exits. Only three of the eight emergency exits could be used, yet somehow all 367 passengers and cabin crew escaped from the aircraft in 18 minutes before the fuselage itself was engulfed in flames two minutes after the fuselage was engulfed in flames. New York Times and other oversees media are calling it a miracle and praising Japan Airlines' training of its cabin crew and protocol. 

English Media: "Miracle Escape"

Since I have the flow of the In-flight Safety Videos practically memorized, I usually don't pay too much attention. I may even haphazardly think, "Will all this stuff really work if we make an emergency landing somewhere?" How apathetic of me! If those flight attendants and pilots had never taken their training for emergency situations seriously, there would have been a huge death toll on the JAL flight. The only thing passengers could see out the windows was red and smoke... but the crew overcame the chaos and panic, guiding everyone to safety. 

This all reminded of God's Cabin Crew. Who's that? Christians are God's Cabin Crew. We're supposed to be guiding passengers to safety before it's too late and the flames engulf them in eternal death. The task is daunting, but God hasn't given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16), and it works every time. Some passengers may doubt the success of emergency protocol when they watch the In-flight Safety Video. After all, it will only matter in the "unlikely event of an evacuation." Likewise, many of our friends or family have heard the Gospel from us several times, but they will not accept it. They put it off because well... eternal death seems like "an unlikely event." Yet, actually choosing where to spend eternity is a "likely event." Sometimes it takes one incident to trigger a change in their receptivity towards the Gospel. Even if a passgenger didn't take those In-flight Safety Videos seriously, he would have to if he was flying on yesterday's flight. We may witness several times to somebody and think that we are wasting our time. However, when the time comes our efforts will be worth it. They need to be reminded of the Bible's In-flight Safety Video, the Gospel, as often as they can for when that "emergency landing" happens. 

We as Christians have the responsibility to take our jobs as God's Cabin Crew seriously. We don't do it because we are employees with a salary. We do it because of the mandate Christ gave us in the Great Commission. It's the least we can do to repay His priceless gift to us. We have to take our training as seriously as that Cabin Crew did. Local churches have to train their believers with protocol like Japan Airlines. Christians, therefore, must be equipped and ready at all times to share the Gospel. We don't know when the flames of death will engulf the aircraft our passengers fly in. Our passengers may silently ridicule the In-flight Safety Video every time they hear it. They may want to enjoy a comfortable flight without being reminded of death or eternity. Actually, there were people like that in Noah's day...

Matthew 24:36-39 (Genesis 6-7)

The people in Noah's day kept living their comfortable lives, never caring too much for the Ark that Noah was building nor the message that he preached (2 Peter 2:5). When the Great Flood came, they took it all seriously... but it was too late for them. 

Hebrews 11:7

It required a great deal of faith for Noah to build the Ark. We have been saved by faith. Our faith must remain strong as we cling to the power of the Gospel to save others. Imagine the grave faces of the crew members in the last few minutes before the aircraft touches down as they sit straped to their seats in front of the emergency exits ready for action if something goes wrong. They have faith in all their, checklists, manuals, and training. So should we.

2 Peter 3

In the end times, people will mock, as they already do now, the Bible and the Lord's ability to keep the promises in His Word. They will forget the power of God's spoken Word at the time of creation. They will forget about the Great Flood. However, Peter admonishes his Jewish Christian readers to not become ignorant like that. God is suspending coming judgement because He is longsuffering and yearns for all people to be saved. If we, God's Cabin Crew, become apathetic and let our guard down towards the urgency of "time," we won't be successful like the Japan Airlines cabin crew. There will surely be a death toll when the day of the Lord comes as "a thief in the night." (verse 10) 

We have to keep our minds in the game. What if a flight attendant on an American carrier were chatting with the other flight attendant across the aisle about what to eat for dinner when they got to their hotel as the aircraft was in its final landing position (I've never seen this happen, just imagining it could😂). If that flight collided with another aircraft on the runway like yesterday, there would be a death toll because those flight attendants weren't ready for action. 

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God,"  2 Peter 3:11-12

In case you'd like to review Japan Airlines' In-flight Safety Video 😏

